Orcières Merlette 1850 ski area


Space, white, clarity, blue... you're in Orcières! A domain bathed in light with wide, rich panoramas. In Orcières, sliding isn't just a pleasure, it's also a spectacle!

Orcières is at the crossroads of Alpine and Mediterranean climates. From one, she took the snow and the air of the high mountain. On the other, the sun and the Provencal accent. A magical encounter for a unique resort ... With its ski area today culminating at 2725m, Orcières is one of the rare resorts in the Southern Alps to offer you such altitudes and slopes with very varied exposure. For you, the best of snow and sun on 100 km of slopes.

Opening times :

From 16/12/2023 to 14/04/2024, daily between 9 am and 4.30 pm.

From 14/12/2024 to 13/04/2025, daily between 9 am and 4.30 pm.

Subject to snow conditions.

Document to download :

Ski map of Orcieres Merlette

Winter rates 2023-2024

Rates :

From 16/12/2023 to 14/04/2024

 Minimum priceMaximum pricePrice accuracy
Adult 6 days242,00 €242,00 €Forfait Horizon : accès piscine & patinoire inclus.
Adult 3 hours37,00 €37,00 €
Senior day40,50 €40,50 €
Set price pedestrian week50,00 €50,00 €
Adult day43,50 €43,50 €
Adult season420,00 €879,00 €Tarifs dégressifs avant le 31/09 puis avant le 15/12.
Child 3 hours30,00 €30,00 €
Child day36,00 €36,00 €
Child 6 days203,50 €203,50 €Forfait Horizon : accès piscine & patinoire inclus.
Child season355,00 €703,00 €Tarifs dégressifs avant le 31/09 puis avant le 15/12.
Family193,50 €230,00 €Forfait Horizon tarif 'Famille' : accès piscine & patinoire inclus. Prix réduit pour un achat en ligne.
Student day40,50 €40,50 €17-25 ans, sur présentation de la carte étudiant aux caisses
Set price pedestrian day8,50 €11,00 €
Student 6 days223,50 €223,50 €Forfait Horizon : accès piscine & patinoire inclus.
Senior 6 days223,50 €223,50 €Forfait Horizon : accès piscine & patinoire inclus.

Exclu web si vous réservez tôt : jusqu'à -25% de réduction sur votre forfait !

Bank/credit cardCheckTravellers ChequeCash

Achat forfaits

Address : Orcières Merlette 05170 Orcières

Tel. : 04 92 55 89 89 Standard de l'Office de Tourisme

Tel. : 04 92 55 89 80 Accueil commercial

Tel. : 04 92 55 89 99 Secours domaine skiable

Mail : info@orcieres.com

Website : https://www.orcieres.com

Website : https://pass.orcieres.com (Achat forfaits)


Voir aussi

Downhill slope Camile Ricou

Orcières Merlette 1850 Snowpark - L'Ours Park