Unmissable in Orcières

Le Saut du Laïre par le Basset


Departure : Orcières

Duration : 5h00

Distance : 11.4 km

Elevation : 607 m

Route type : Loop

In this very open valley of the Drac Noir, the grassy slopes, hay meadows and pastures are favourite haunts of marmots. Crossing the Basset plateau offers a breathtaking view of the Charnières valley.

See the route

GPX file

Address : Prapic 05170 Orcières

Tel. : 04 92 55 89 89 Standard de l'Office de Tourisme

Mail : info@orcieres.com

Website : https://www.cirkwi.com/fr/circuit/403295-le-saut-du-laire-par-le-basset (Itinéraire Cirkwi)

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