Polichinelle nursery and child care


Located in Orcières village, 5km from the resort, the Polichinelle nursery and child care welcomes your children from 3 months to 6 years old.

Open Monday to Friday from 7:45am to 6:00pm.

It is advisable to book nursery or nursery places before your arrival, even outside of school holidays.
See conditions and prices on our site (according to the CAF scale).
Price psu or tax notice

Opening times :

Closed temporarily.

Age(s) :

From 3 month to 6 years

Rates :

Tarif PSU ou avis d'imposition


Address : Le Village 05170 Orcières

Tel. : 09 82 34 33 85

Mail : polichinelle.orcieres@gmail.com

Website : https://crechepolichinelle.wordpress.com/