The waterfall of Saut du Laïre


Departure : Orcières

Duration : 3h00

Distance : 9 km

Elevation : 415 m

Route type : Round trip

A great family walk, a classic in the Haut-Champsaur. From the preserved Prapic village, the path climbs gently up to the lengendary « Saut du Laïre » waterfall, through the terrotory of marmots !

After crossing the plate of Charnière and reached the fabulous site of Saut du Laïre at 1886m altitude, the return can be by the same path or loop by Basset if you wish to extend the hike.

See the route

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Address : Prapic 05170 Orcières

Tel. : 04 92 55 89 89 Standard de l'Office de Tourisme

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Website : (Itinéraire Cirkwi)

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