Miellerie Challet


Our honeys, gingerbreads, cookies, croc a'miel, nougats and beeswax candles are all homemade and sold at markets or directly from the honey house.

La miellerie Challet, a family-run business in which all members participate in its development, offers you a range of honeys and by-products (sweets and propolis products).
Mountain and high-mountain honeys are harvested in Champsaur and Haut Champsaur. They are potted in the bioclimatic honey house. By transhumancing their hives through different areas of wild and cultivated flowers, Geoffrey and Patrick Challet obtain from their bees honeys from rhododendron (a rare honey), chestnut, lavender, garrigue, dandelion, forest, bramble, acacia and the Southern Alps.
For sale at markets in Pont du Fossé, Ancelle, Chabottes (summer), farmers' markets and on site every day except public holidays (please call ahead).

Opening times :

From 01/01 to 31/12.
Closed on Sunday.

CheckCashBank/credit card

Address : 2750 route de Chabottonnes 05260 Saint-Jean-Saint-Nicolas

Tel. : 04 92 50 74 89

Mail : api.challet@orange.fr

Website : https://challet.wixsite.com/mielleriechallet


Voir aussi

La route du miel en VTC électrique