Grenoble - Orcières Merlette shuttle (in winter)
BackRegular buses serve Grenoble TGV station from December 21, 2024 to April 12, 2025.
Transport only on Saturday.
Times and reservations: see reservation form.
In summer: buses and TER trains serve Grenoble SNCF station to reach Gap. Timetables and reservations for trains on: or on 0 800 11 40 23. For buses, on or on 0 820 08 38 38.
Opening times :From 21/12/2024 to 12/04/2025, every Saturday.
Document to download :
Rates :
62€ aller/retour par adulte Gare TGV - Orcières Merlette 1850
52€ aller/retour tarif jeune (9-22 ans) Gare TGV - Orcières Merlette 1850
40€ aller/retour par enfant (4-8 ans) Gare TGV - Orcières Merlette 1850
Address : 05170 Orcières
Tel. : 04 92 55 89 70 halte routiere
Tel. : 04 92 55 89 89 Standard de l'Office de Tourisme
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